Blink Don't Blink is a web project comprising two sites that employ eye-tracking via the webcam to consider the demands constantly made on our attention online, and the way in which browsers respond to our gaze. We look so much at our screens, but we don’t really pay attention to how we’re looking at them, and if, or how, they’re looking at us.
The first site, “Hypnosis,” features phrases written by me that touch on themes of vision, light, and light pollution. When the user's eyes are closed, Jonathan Beller's The Political Economy of the Postmodern — a Marxist critique of the contemporary media economy — appears in the website's background. An abbreviated version of this website was displayed at Times Square.
The second site, “bLink,” bombards the viewer with eclectic urls ranging from videos about eye exercises, to articles about phone addiction, to parodies of staring contests, to reports on optimizing eye-tracking on websites, to a military account of the strategy of Shock and Awe, to outright ads.