Brood is a web project comprising two sites that revolve around a short story I wrote about insects, archives, and intergenerational memory. In the story, insects such as moths and cicadas have developed the ability to ingest human memories via eating the archives, and then pass those memories back to human hosts via infection.
The website explores the story's themes of recurrent memory by customizing the scroll function so that as a reader scrolls past the story, it reappears in the background. The user is also unable to scroll upwards, and therefore can only proceed forwards in the website. The website also loops infinitely on itself.
The browser extension hijacks a governmental archive so that as the user scrolls, the archive's original text is replaced with my short story. As the user scrolls further, the archival images also begin to break free of their constrains and flutter about the page, until at the end of the webpage, the site is entirely overtaken by the moths.